Well well well – this is good

June 19, 2020

WordPress new editor has everything you need and more. Nice. I like it

There is NO Freak in French Fries

February 22, 2007

Parody of a drive up window at Jack in the Box restaurant were Jack Nicholson is the line tender.

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Family Guy: How to make a Big Boom

February 10, 2007

(1) Make a big boom (2) Sleep with vergins. (3) ??? (4) Profit!!!. Damn Neat.

digg story

Geek to Live: Back up Gmail with fetchmail

February 10, 2007

Instead, today we’ll set up a nightly automated Gmail backup using the command line program fetchmail, which will go out, grab your newest messages, save ’em to your hard drive and exit, all while you sleep soundly in the knowledge that you’ve got an offline copy of your important email.

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Top 150 Tech Heroes on IT Conversations

February 10, 2007

On wednesday SYS-CON published their final list of 150 all time technology heroes. The list is a mix of people who might have made the list if it were published 10 or even 20 years ago (like Claude Shannon). 36 people on this list have been on IT Conversations. Many of them multiple times. We’ve made a lit of their shows.

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Scanner for books

February 10, 2007

Plustek’s new OpticBook 3600 is a low-cost scanner optimized for scanning books — it has a little shelf-thing at the edge that makes it easier to get the book flatter, and some kind of “Shadow Elimination Element” to correct for the distortion and shadow cast by the hump of the book at the spine.

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Is Instant Domain Search stealing your ideas?

February 10, 2007

Article about some domain ideas being stolen after performing a search using instantdomainsearch.com

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Great Software Engineering Proverbs

February 10, 2007

“A clever person solves a problem. A wise person avoids it.” — Einstein

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SKETCHER – Draw Online

February 10, 2007

Draw, save and share your painting.

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Oh God! I can hear me!

February 10, 2007

Funny Wikipedia: [Citation Needed] on wikipedia being an acceptable source

February 10, 2007

From ‘Citing Wikipedia’ page at Wikepedia: For many purposes, but particularly in academia, Wikipedia may not be considered an acceptable source.[citation needed]…Since changed though.

Borrowed from Ronin

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Steve Jobs: Triumph of the Nerds – Great Artist Steal!

February 9, 2007

Going beyond blogs: How to create complex learning content

February 9, 2007

Want to move beyond blogs – Use this wonderful tool to create aw-inspiring learning content like quizzes, courses. Rated as the best p2p Learning Management System – get your teacher to use Krawler in your classroom and make learning fun! Krawler runs on p2p…

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Apple may ax next-gen HDD iPod in favor of all-flash models

February 8, 2007

Apple Inc. may begin transitioning its flagship iPod models away from hard disk drive (HDD)-based storage and towards solid-state NAND flash memory by the end of year. Replacing the hard drive with 32 GB of flash memory would allow for an increase of about 60 percent in battery life to 5.5 hours of video playback for the players.

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Steve Ballmer has a smaller office than mine.

February 7, 2007

Can you believe how small this guy’s office is? Mine is bigger than that.

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Programmers don’t like to code

February 7, 2007

“And programmers, as I quote Larry Constantine in my book, programmers are programmers because they like to code — given a choice between learning someone else’s code and just sitting down and writing their own, they will always do the latter.”
Wrong. Jonathan Rentzsch decides to put us all right in this assumption.

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WipBox – Sell things quickly and easily on eBay and Craigslist.

February 7, 2007

“WipBox enables sellers to create better, richer listings through deeper knowledge gathering and better preparation. Users can learn which categories and for how much they should list items based on each product’s basic info. WipBox shows high, low and average prices for items as well as concentration of like items in categories on eBay.”

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6 Startup Lessons for the Year 2007

February 7, 2007

This is *why* your startup failed.

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The Evolution of Apple.com

February 7, 2007

Over 150 screenshots documenting how apple.com has changed from 1996 to the present.

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GMail finally public (really, this time)!

February 7, 2007

Get your 2Gb (and increasing) mail space….

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Detailed Guide On Arrays In PHP

February 7, 2007

Here is yet another article of Fast PHP Articles Series. Today we are going to discuss ARRAYS. We will learn its syntax, its different types, the different built-in array functions that help to perform different tasks related to arrays quickly and different practical examples explaining the use of arrays in PHP.

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February 4, 2007


Wikipedia – you’re marked for deletion

January 7, 2007

Wikipedia works in curious ways.  See this and this – and you’ll know what I mean.

Sorry Mahesh, it wasn’t me :-/

Protected: Reliance, no more!

October 14, 2006

This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below:

Indian Startup Program Debuts. And Fails.

February 2, 2006

All that Gas™. Key BS words: TiE, JumpyourassUP, Red-I-don’t-have-a-fscking-clue-herring, Orgasmic Incubation + standard yada yada.

No wonder, TiE is a place where you meet people with high bladder:brain ratio.

For the nth time – Get over with the fscking PR, you morons! I’m sure you’re have nothing to show for when we review this posting 6 months from now.

Again – Entrepreneurs – stay away from this BS puking buzzword throwing bankrupt morons.

Search LMS, reach here

January 16, 2006

Apparently, this blog appears amongst the top search results for following queries

  1. LMS + Social Networks
  2. p2p + LMS
  3. p2p 2.0

Either Google is bad, and I need to start writing some good content — seriously OR whatever I’ve been writing makes sense to Google, at the very least.

As an aside:

(My) Definition of SEO: The Art & Business of duping google.

Happy Web2.0 Menu

January 16, 2006
  • Would like fries with that?
  • Would you like that app converted to AJAX?
  • Would you like cheese on that?
  • Would you like some community-based features?
  • Would you like to super-size that order?
  • Would you like a web-based API with that app?

Here’s your order, sir. $11.20 for Web 2.0. Read the rest of this entry »

Google Desktop | P2P in Sheep’s Clothing

January 6, 2006

[tinfoil cap off]

Stephen Bryant writes “By distributing desktop apps through Lexar USB drives, Google is laying a better foundation for collecting and publishing user data. “

Couldn’t agree more. Google is in the business of “managing information”. And guess what — horror horror — 99% of that information lies on your desktop — and not on some obselete server sitting somewhere in Kansas. Yes, sir, your work computer — with that new 200GB HD — when connected to your office LAN has more data than hundreds of “websites” put together. Though Google claims to index over a billion web pages, it still has no idea about TBs worth of content residing on millions of desktops & laptop machines.

That’s real data. .doc, .ppt. .pdf files. Sitting on your machine.
To manage that information, it has to get an entry to your machine. And that’s not all. It has to seek your permission to provide that index selectively to other users. That’s where p2p comes in.

Google is right on track.

Why p2p makes sense over client/server

January 3, 2006

Cost. Scalability. Two things that are stacked right in favor of p2p apps.

Think Skype. By October 2004, Skype had about 1 million users online — all at once. It added another million in couple of months. At last count, it claimed to have more than 100 million downloads, with 50 million active users. Think about all the server equipment needed to manage that high load. Did Skype, then, spend $$$ in scaling up ? It did scale pretty quickly and effortlessly when compared to an Orkut or Friendster. The Answer, honey, is of course No.

Contrast that to Wikipedia with 200+ servers and a massive server budget. Friendster had similar scaling up issues.

Think about it. As the wikipedia popularity grows, and its user-base starts to increase, it will incur more and more costs to keep the system running.

More users, more traffic, the system goes down. It has to. The system is setup to fail.

p2p, on the other hand, is factory-built towards scalability. It works like this — taking the example of popular bit torrent:

  • A resource is shared on the network
  • Every user viewing the resource gets to share the resource automatically
  • Good content would get more users ==> more users would ensure the content is spread equally to manage further demand
  • More demand would imply more sources to feed the demand
  • The system is setup to scale to meet any demand

Wait…err…and what about Ajax ?

Honey, don’t you see how Ajax rhymes nicely with sex ? Getting my point ?

p2p saves money. Ajax is flavor of the month. Bitch. Rinse. Repeat.

Krawler[x] | p2p 2.0 anyone ?

January 2, 2006


Boy, it is tough. And with all the well-deserved flock-off sentiments around, I’d better not do it. Use Buzz Words, that is.

Rather, I’ll make it simple.

I’ll try and write a good hyped-up post on Krawler[x] without using more than 3 buzzwords — the 3 being erstwhile buzzwords namely p2p, LMS and Social Networks. Tough task, you’ll agree.

Krawler[x] is p2p + LMS + Social Networks. If you know what a LMS is — or rather what it used to be, that is.

Krawler[x], termed as “Social Collaboration Network” (change that to Learn, Share, Done), is a tool that lets one setup personal networks, create, find and publish content, and find new people to network with – all this with the ease of a desktop client.

So you might ask, why Desktop — when the whole flocking world is flocking towards Web. I’ll leave that for my next posting. Let’s rather talk about what Krawler[x] is about.

Krawler[x] is p2p social networking platform that lets you view not just your friends’ profiles, but their shared content and more as well. No Browser. No more silly bad bad server with nuts. No sucky logging in to read your messages. No sucky orkut. And Krawler can perform p2p search as well.

P2P Search.  Krawler[x] search reaches the innards of Office Files (doc/ppt/xls), Acrobat Files (.pdf) and the regular stuff like HTML and Text Files; which means that one can efficiently full-text search within files shared on a network(shared through Krawler[x]). The search being distributed, queries propagates rapidly through the P2P network and provide amazing speed.Krawler[x]

Does that sound like a mini-Google for a small scale lan, which uses no server ?

Yes, you heard that right.

Then, as a Yet Another Social Networking Platform, Krawler[x] impresses. Being on the desktop has its advantages — unless ofcourse you’re a Web 2.0 Ajax freak. Krawler[x] comes equipped with an Instant Messenger, a p2p email, p2p forums, communities etc. It also has a tool (oddly termed as friend-mapper) that lets one visualize one’s network of friends in the form of a connected graph. Krawler[x] users are displayed in a graph represented by nodes connected to each other with edges related as friends. The friendship graph visualization uses a spring-layout and focus-context techniques. That means it wiggles smoothly if you drag a node representing your friend, and that you can drag an edge to connect to any other node/user you see in the graphical network.

Krawler[x] Friend Mapper

And then comes the notorious feature – file sharing. The file download is extremely fast – as fast as Bram (of Cohen fame) would want it – Yes, Krawler[x] has its own torrent based sharing architecture. And that’s not all, sharing permissions can be set for each file, from allowing access to a specific user, to allowing everyone on the Network.

Krawler[x]’s Content Creation tool makes it unique. Krawler[x] has a set of WYSIWYG tools where you can create rich text content with all the nice features that you get on any word processor. The tools allow one to create interactive quizzes and monitor results of other subscribers. The Content Designer is definitely the cream on top, it’s a tool to set the workflow for the interactive content created on Krawler[x]. So you can set rules deciding what the viewer will see depending on how he/she performs in the quizzes. And for that you need not write complicated instructions, but simply draw arrows in a flow-chart like application.

Wait, did someone just mention Quizzes?

Yes, Krawler[x] has all the tools to create any type of content — plain old text, office content and assessment based content. So quizzes are an integral part of Krawler[x]. Sweet.
Krawler[x]’s tabbed interface makes it possible to drag and arrange windows/tabs and have customized layouts. There’s tabbed browsing for all content, files and profiles. Bookmarks provide easy management, along with the Drag-drop support for all files and images alike.

Can Krawler[x] leverage Dan Bricklin’s “Cornucopia of the commons” — technology that gives control “from the desktop” ? Anyone’s guess.

As for the hype-meisters, enough with Web 2.0 hype. P2P 2.0 anyone?